Competition Programming 18.09.21
A) Power Jerk: Build to a heavy single for the day B) Pendlay Row: Build to a tough 1.1.1 for the day (resting 5-10-sec between
A) Power Jerk: Build to a heavy single for the day B) Pendlay Row: Build to a tough 1.1.1 for the day (resting 5-10-sec between
A) Clean and Jerk: Quickly build to a tough 1+2 (no misses) B) Deadlift: Build to a tough three with a reset between each rep
3 Sets for Quality Lunge Matrix w/ Overhead Reach 25′ Forward Bear Crawl 25′ Reverse Bear Crawl 30-45-sec Bird-Dog 30-45-sec Anti Rotational Plank (arms only)
A) Push Press: Build to a tough 1.1.1 for the day (resting 5-10-sec between cluster reps) B) Single Arm Dumbbell Row: 3×8-10/side; Rest 1 minute
A) Power Snatch: Quickly build to a tough single (no misses) B) Back Squat: Build to a tough 1.1.1 for the day (resting 5-10-sec between
3RFT – 25 Dumbbell Shoulder to Overhead @50/35-lbs/hand 50 Double Unders 25 Box Step Overs @50/35-lbs/hand 50 Double Unders + (Rest 5-10 minutes) For Time:
A) Power Jerk + Split Jerk: Build to a heavy single for the day B) Pendlay Row: Build to a tough for the day
30-45 minutes @70% Row 50 Cals (damper at 1) – into – 2 Rounds – 50′ Suitcase Carry/side 60-sec Ring FLR – into – Ski/Bike
B) Push Press: Build to a tough for the day (resting 5-10-sec between cluster reps) D) Muscle Up – 20 For Time* *Every break
A) Snatch: Quickly build to a tough single (no misses – pause below knee) B) Back Squat: Build to a tough for the day
A) Power Jerk: Build to a heavy single for the day B) Pendlay Row: Build to a tough 1.1.1 for the day (resting 5-10-sec between
A) Clean and Jerk: Quickly build to a tough 1+2 (no misses) B) Deadlift: Build to a tough three with a reset between each rep
3 Sets for Quality Lunge Matrix w/ Overhead Reach 25′ Forward Bear Crawl 25′ Reverse Bear Crawl 30-45-sec Bird-Dog 30-45-sec Anti Rotational Plank (arms only)
A) Push Press: Build to a tough 1.1.1 for the day (resting 5-10-sec between cluster reps) B) Single Arm Dumbbell Row: 3×8-10/side; Rest 1 minute
A) Power Snatch: Quickly build to a tough single (no misses) B) Back Squat: Build to a tough 1.1.1 for the day (resting 5-10-sec between
3RFT – 25 Dumbbell Shoulder to Overhead @50/35-lbs/hand 50 Double Unders 25 Box Step Overs @50/35-lbs/hand 50 Double Unders + (Rest 5-10 minutes) For Time:
A) Power Jerk + Split Jerk: Build to a heavy single for the day B) Pendlay Row: Build to a tough for the day
30-45 minutes @70% Row 50 Cals (damper at 1) – into – 2 Rounds – 50′ Suitcase Carry/side 60-sec Ring FLR – into – Ski/Bike
B) Push Press: Build to a tough for the day (resting 5-10-sec between cluster reps) D) Muscle Up – 20 For Time* *Every break
A) Snatch: Quickly build to a tough single (no misses – pause below knee) B) Back Squat: Build to a tough for the day
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