Continuing with our very timely podcast release schedule about this year’s CrossFit Games season, this week’s podcast features a recap of the semi-finals for one of Jon’s athletes, Jacob Schmidt.

This year, Jacob switched to individual competition after competing at the games for CrossFit Omnia’s team in the last few years. Jacob’s preparation was by no means a walk in the park. He had to get used to a different competition style, start training for a competition he didn’t plan on doing and manage an acute back injury right when he should have been practising the workouts.

Check out this episode to hear Jon’s reflection on all of this, as well as our usual unsolicited opinions on scoring, competition organisation, and the structure of the games.

Listen Here:

Show Notes:

  • [1:20] Making the jump from team to individual competition
  • [4:20] Switching training focus from the games to semi finals
  • [7:00] Scoring in quarter finals, semi finals and the games
  • [9:30] Managing an acute back injury during prep
  • [12:20] Training for the tests after workouts are released
  • [16:50] The Snatch event