Competition Programming 17.11.15
20 min @ 75%: 100’ bottoms-up waiter’s walk, right 50 single-unders 100’ bottoms-up waiter’s walk, left 50 single-unders 500m row w/ damper @ 1 +
20 min @ 75%: 100’ bottoms-up waiter’s walk, right 50 single-unders 100’ bottoms-up waiter’s walk, left 50 single-unders 500m row w/ damper @ 1 +
A. Double overhand deadlift, no hook grip 5×3; 31×1 tempo; Building; Rest 2 min B. EMOTM 10: 15s back rack hold *Heavy. C1. Glute-ham raises
A. Split jerk w/ 1s pause in dip and in receiving position 5×1.1; Building; Rest 90s *Start moderate and build per set. Prioritize positions over
3 sets: 15 chest-to-bar pull-ups 10 box jump overs (24″) – no rebound 15 kipping handstand push-ups 10 box jump overs (24″) – no rebound
A. Squat clean + Below-the-knee squat clean + Above-the-knee squat clean Build to a tough complex for today in 10 min B. E3min for 3
20 min @ 75%: 10 burpees, no push-up 50 reverse single-unders 10 scapular push-ups 30s hang from rings 500m row w/ damper @ 1 +
A. Double overhand deadlift, no hook grip – 2″ platform 5×3; 31×1 tempo; Building; Rest 2 min B1. Back rack hold 4x15s; Heavy; Rest 30s
A. E90s for 6 sets: Jerk dip w/ pause in dip + Jerk drive + Split jerk w/ pause in receiving position *Start moderate and
General warm up, 5-10 minutes of light aerobic work followed by 10-20 minutes of stretching and dynamic movement prep A1. Prone Bench (45 degrees) TYI
20 min @ 75%: 100’ bottoms-up waiter’s walk, right 50 single-unders 100’ bottoms-up waiter’s walk, left 50 single-unders 500m row w/ damper @ 1 +
A. Double overhand deadlift, no hook grip 5×3; 31×1 tempo; Building; Rest 2 min B. EMOTM 10: 15s back rack hold *Heavy. C1. Glute-ham raises
A. Split jerk w/ 1s pause in dip and in receiving position 5×1.1; Building; Rest 90s *Start moderate and build per set. Prioritize positions over
3 sets: 15 chest-to-bar pull-ups 10 box jump overs (24″) – no rebound 15 kipping handstand push-ups 10 box jump overs (24″) – no rebound
A. Squat clean + Below-the-knee squat clean + Above-the-knee squat clean Build to a tough complex for today in 10 min B. E3min for 3
20 min @ 75%: 10 burpees, no push-up 50 reverse single-unders 10 scapular push-ups 30s hang from rings 500m row w/ damper @ 1 +
A. Double overhand deadlift, no hook grip – 2″ platform 5×3; 31×1 tempo; Building; Rest 2 min B1. Back rack hold 4x15s; Heavy; Rest 30s
A. E90s for 6 sets: Jerk dip w/ pause in dip + Jerk drive + Split jerk w/ pause in receiving position *Start moderate and
General warm up, 5-10 minutes of light aerobic work followed by 10-20 minutes of stretching and dynamic movement prep A1. Prone Bench (45 degrees) TYI
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