General warm up, 5-10 minutes of light aerobic work followed by 10-20 minutes of stretching and dynamic movement prep
A1. Prone Bench (45 degrees) TYI Raise – 3×5 each @2121 Tempo
A2. Shoulder CARs – 3×5 e/a (slow and controlled)
B. Push Press – 5×5 @31X1 Tempo; Rest 2 minutes
C. Strict HSPU – 30 reps for time or 3 minute AMRAP (whichever one comes first)
D. C2B Pull Ups – 30 reps for time or 3 minute AMRAP (whichever one comes first)
Sage 20
20 minute AMRAP
20 Thrusters @135/95-lbs
20 Burpees
20 Pull-Ups