In episode 72 of the Legion podcast, we discussed translating improvements in weightlifting technique into actually getting better at weightlifting in conditioning workouts.
Improving your positions in a non-fatigued state doesn’t always translate into better lifts after you’ve been running around the block and doing a bunch of double-unders. This isn’t just an issue with weightlifting movements, though. We see the same thing with muscle-ups, handstand walking…and even grunt work movements like wall balls and dumbbell snatches.
In this episode, Todd and Luke develop some general strategies for bridging the gap between skill work and conditioning work.
While some athletes can just throw their weaknesses into metcons a few times per week and see consistent progress, others need to be much more deliberate with how they design their training. How do we bridge the gap so athletes can actually improve their skills in conditioning workouts — not just in drills and warm-ups?
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Show Notes:
- [0:13] The difficulties in translating improvements in skill work to improvements in doing movements while fatigued.
- [3:48] How to create training scenarios that allow you to “practice” doing new skills while fatigued — and still have success.
- [15:08] What is the difference between intermediate and advanced athletes in the mental game about progressing movements?
- [21:42] Wrap up and summary of tactical recommendations for bridging the gap between skill work and conditioning