In a varied sport like CrossFit, athletes often gravitate toward specific areas of focus, which can be influenced by their height and weight. Since weight is a changeable factor, some athletes set specific bodyweight goals. For example, some aim to lose weight to enhance bodyweight movements like pull-ups and handstand push-ups, while others seek to gain weight to increase strength in heavy lifts, particularly during off-season training.

A crucial aspect of CrossFit is determining whether a weight gain or loss plan translates into improved performance. For some athletes, increased weight can boost raw strength numbers, but it doesn’t always enhance repeated heavy lifts during a metabolic conditioning (metcon) workout. Conversely, losing bodyweight might make certain gymnastics skills easier, but applying this into the sport can present challenges.

We apologize for the audio issues in this podcast. There are moments of overlap, but we do manage to get to the main points each time.

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Show Notes:

  • [2:00] Jon’s semi finals athlete looking to gain weight for next years season
  • [5:45] Keeping up with the carbs as a competitor
  • [8:30] Managing training volume with non-exercise activity
  • [12:00] Does it translate back into the sport?
  • [19:00] Luke waking up at 2am to take some weight gain shakes