A. Single Leg Box Jump – 10×2/leg
B. Snatch – 5×1.1.1; Rest 10-sec bw reps and as needed bw sets
C. Snatch Lift Off + Snatch Pull + Snatch High Pull – 5×1.1
D. Front Squat – Build to a heavy five for the day then perform 3×5 @90%
6 min AMRAP @80%
7 Hang Power Snatch @95/65-lbs
10 Wallball @20/14-lbs
Rest 3 minutes
6 min AMRAP @80%
7 Overhead Squat @95/65-lbs
10 KBS @32/24kg
Rest 3 minutes
6 min AMRAP @80%
7 Squat Snatch @95/65-lbs
10 Burpee Over Bar