General warm up, 5-10 minutes of light aerobic work followed by 10-20 minutes of stretching and dynamic movement prep
A1. Depth Jump (16-12″ onto 12-8″) – 3×3 (fast rebound off of the floor minimal contact time); Rest 60-sec
A2. Overhead RFESS – 3×8-12 e/l @2011 Tempo; Rest 60-sec
B. Power Snatch – 3×1 @85% (pause in catch for 3-sec focus on speed and positions); Rest 2 minutes
C. Power Clean – 3×1.1 @85% (pause in catch for 3-sec focus on speed and positions); Rest 2 minutes
D. Deadlift – Build to a 8RM with perfect hip/back mechanics
E1. Front Rack Axle Reverse Lunge – 5×6/leg @20X1 Tempo; Rest 1 minute
E2. Back Extension – 5×6-8 @3015 Tempo; Rest 3 minutes
Every 4 minutes for 32 minutes (4 sets alternating between)
1 – 50m Bear Hug Carry (Heavy but able to move fairly quick on this)
2 – 30-sec Assault Bike @95%