General warm up, 5-10 minutes of light aerobic work followed by 10-20 minutes of stretching and dynamic movement prep

A1. 90/90 Hip Cars – 2×10 e/s (slow and controlled); Rest 30-sec

A2. S/A Kettlebell Russian Swing + S/A Kettlebell Reverse Lunge + S/A Kettlebell Windmill Press – 2×5+5+5; Rest 2 minutes

B. Clean and Jerk Warm Up (perform this every minute on the minute, 10 minutes)
Perform the following movements for 2×3+3 before moving to the next movement. Pause for 3-sec in the starting position and the catch position for each clean and overhead movement. Load should be light 55-95-lbs
Muscle Clean + Push Press
Power Clean + Push Press
Power Clean + Power Jerk
Clean + Jerk

C. Clean and Jerk – Build to a heavy single that demonstrates good technique (10 minutes)

D. Clean + Jerk – Ev90-sec x 10 (15 minutes); Clean and Jerk @90% of today’s max

E. Back Squat – 5×10 @90% of W2D1’s Back Squat

F. Romanion Deadlift – Build to a tough set of 8


4 Sets – (24 minutes)
90-sec Assault Bike @80%
90-sec Off
90-sec Row @80%
90-sec Off

6 Sets – (24 minutes)
60-sec Assault Bike @82%
60-sec Off
60-sec Row @82%
60-sec Off

8 Sets – (16 minutes)
30-sec Assault Bike @85%
30-sec Off
30-sec Row 85%
30-sec Off

Last week of this! Use similar paces to last week, if you are feeling good then make sure you hit the same 500m/split and RPM/Watts per interval – if you are feeling tired then reduce by 2-sec on the Row and about 2 RPM on the Assault Bike

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