General warm up, 5-10 minutes of light aerobic work followed by 10-20 minutes of stretching and dynamic movement prep
A1. Seated Box Jump – 3×4 to a semi challenging height
A2. Single Leg Romanian Deadlift – 3×5-8 @3111 Tempo (movement focus heavier than last week)
B. Power Clean – 4×1.1 (rest 5-sec b/w singles); Rest 3 minutes (start at 82% and build demonstrating good technique)
C. Deadlift – Build to a tough set of ten reps with perfect hip/back mechanics (heavier than last week but not a true 10RM)
D. Overhead Rear Foot Elevated Split Squat – 3×6 e/l @31X1 Tempo
6 Sets –
Row 200m @100%
10 Dbl Kettlebell Clean and Push Press @2×24/16kg
Rest 4 minutes