A. Power Snatch + Hang Snatch + OHS – Build to a heavy set in 10 minutes
B. EMOM 12 minutes
1 – 3 TNG Power Snatch
2 – 3 Hang Snatch
3 – 3 OHS
*same weight for all three movements
C. Clean + Hang Clean + Front Squat – 1+1+1 EMOM 12 minutes @70%
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 12 minutes of:
2 rounds of:
50-ft. weighted front rack walking lunge @135/95lbs
16 toes-to-bars
8 power cleans @135/95lbs
Then, 2 rounds of:
50-ft. weighted front rack walking lunge @135/95lbs
16 bar muscle-ups
8 power cleans @135/95lbs
Etc., alternating between toes-to-bars and bar muscle-ups every 2 rounds