A. Jerk Recovery + Split Press
4 x 1 + 2
(light technical focus)
B. Split Jerk
Build to a tough single for the day with a pause in the catch position
C. Chest to Ring Pull Up
Build to tough set of 5 reps
D1. Strict Deficit HSPU (higher than 2 weeks ago)
3 x 4-6; Rest :60
D2. Ring Push Up – Feet Elevated
3 x 12-15 @ 21X1; Rest 3:00
20 min @ 75%
8 Single Arm KB Push Press + 50’/side Overhead KB Carry (each side, moderate weight)
50′ Dbl KB Front Rack Carry @ 2 x 70/53lbs
8 Strict Toes to Bar
20 NPUB Step Overs