General warm up, 5-10 minutes of light aerobic work followed by 10-20 minutes of stretching and dynamic movement prep
A1. 90/90 Hip Cars – 2×10 e/s (slow and controlled); Rest 30-sec
A2. Single Leg RDL – 2×10 e/s; Rest 30-sec
B. Hang Snatch – Build to a heavy for the day; 10 minutes then do three drop sets at 90%
C. Snatch Pull; 5×3 @120% of today’s complex
D. Back Squat – Build to 8RM (heavier than previous weeks); then perform 3×8 @90% of today’s weight
4RFT –
15/12 Calorie Row
15 Wallball @20/14-lbs
Rest 5 minutes
4RFT –
12/9 Calorie Assault Bike
10 Power Cleans@135/95-lbs